=== WP Quick Booking Manager === Contributors: wpproducts Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=solvercircle@gmail.com&item_name=Donation+for+Booking_Manager Tags: hotel booking, real estate booking, property booking, event booking, appointment booking, accommodations, admin, administration, AJAX, appointment, availability, availability calendar, Booking, Book, Booking calendar, booking form, booking system, booking engine, bookings, booking module, booking plugin, calendar, contact form, hotel, hotel rooms ,online booking calendar, online reservation, Reservation, reservation calendar, reservations, reservation plugin, rooms, schedule, scheduling, date blocker, jquery, management, meeting, Meeting scheduling, Organizer, rent, Rental, reservation system, schedule calendar, schedule system, service, to book, villa booking, resort booking, resort, php booking system, php mysql booking, wordpress online booking, wordpress room reservation, Wordpress booking, wordpress booking script, wordpress hotel script, wp hotel manager, wp hotel reservation system, wp reservation script Requires at least: 3.3.0 Stable tag: 1.1 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html WP Quick Booking Manager provides an easy way to manage your booking and check availability in custom Calendar. == Description == "WP Quick Booking Manager" plugin will enable online booking services for your site. you can show and manage your apartments/houses/hotel rooms/hotel/resorts(or something else) availability for rent. You can manage the bookings (availability) on a daily basis. rooms gallery and booking calendar page will be created automatically and shortcode to generate calendar will be automatically copied. you can add/edit rooms/cottage or any service and add/edit or delete bookings from admin to manage the full system. > **Get more features for a small fee** > [WP Quick Booking Manager Pro](http://www.codecanyon.net/item/wp-quick-booking-manager-pro/9775460?ref=wpproducts) also comes with a premium paid version. Upgrade to [WP Quick Booking Manager Pro](http://www.codecanyon.net/item/wp-quick-booking-manager-pro/9775460?ref=wpproducts) for exceptional features, including a detailed Integrated Payment Gateway, Customized Calendar view, Property gallery, Free Technical support and much more. [Checkout all the awesome pro features](http://www.codecanyon.net/item/wp-quick-booking-manager-pro/9775460?ref=wpproducts). > Your Customers will be able to: = KEY BENEFITS: = - very easy to install and configure. - Very flexible functionality. Fit to very wide range of business. - All bookings and settings are stored in your DB. You don't need third party account(s). - An easy to use Booking Admin Panel that displays bookings in Calendar Overview and lets you manages bookings. - Built with jQuery, Ajax and other technologies. - Easy to install and integrate into your site. because necessary post or page will be automatically created and shortcodes will be automatically copied to page. = FEATURES: = - Make bookings in friendly booking interface - select the date(s) and fill form fields. - Prevent of double booking for already reserved days (1 booking per 1 day for a particular room). - Very flexible functionality. Fit to very wide range of business. - RESPONSIVE booking and availability Calendar to fit any device. - All bookings and settings are stored in your DB. You don't need third party account(s). - PLUG-N-PLAY. just activate it and start using. post/page creation and shortcode insertion in post/page is automatic. and all necessary database table creation is automatic. - An easy to use Booking Admin Panel that displays bookings in Calendar Overview or Listing Table and lets you manages bookings. - Built with jQuery, Ajax and other technologies. - Insert Booking Calendar into any Post/Page using ShortCode [gen_sccalendar]. - Add/Edit/Manage Booking from Admin Interface. - Pretty modern administration interface. - Pagination of the booking listing. - Administrator can Decline specific bookings. - You can fix any UI related issue by writing your custom css from admin option. - Allows defining the product name at PayPal, the currency, tax,administrator email and the PayPal language. - Unlimited number of dynamic Rooms, Bookings, unlimited number of clients. - Multiple-currency support. - Show Bookings / Availability in the daily, weekly or monthly view. - Easily add, edit or delete Booking in WP Admin. - automatically page created and shortcode copied to page to generate calendar and payment process related pages. so its really easy to install and configure. - you can add booking by clicking calendar date cell easily and check availability of all rooms in calendar. so you can manage booking very easily. - And much more coming soon... = Additional Features Available with the Pro (paid) version only = - Free Installation Service - Unlimited Room and Property categories - Integrated Payment Gateways - Built in Shopping Cart Enabled - Custom made dynamic Monthly Calendar - All Rooms Monthly Booking At a glance - Personalized Calendar User Interface - Manage Booking Straight From the Custom Made Calendar - Dynamic Rooms Gallery - Full Technical Support From Us [Upgrade to the Pro version](http://www.codecanyon.net/item/wp-quick-booking-manager-pro/9775460?ref=wpproducts) for all the pro features, and read more in [depth details](http://www.codecanyon.net/item/wp-quick-booking-manager-pro/9775460?ref=wpproducts) about the plugin. = Manage your Bookings in Admin Panel: = - Comfortable Admin Panel for booking management. View bookings in Calendar Overview Panel (Timeline) with possibility to set Day/Week/Month view or in Booking Listing Table with pagination. - In manage booking Search the booking(s) by different parameters, using the Filter in Admin Panel. - Pagination of the booking listing. - Administrator can edit or Delete specific bookings. - View the bookings in booking calendar of any month of any year. = You can use this booking calendar as: = - Booking calendar / availability calendar for a holiday home, bed & breakfast, condo or hotel - Booking calendar / availability calendar for a room or office - Booking calendar / availability calendar for a car or boat - A booking calendar for equipment - A shift calendar - Whatever you like! This plugin is compatible and tested up to Wordpress Version: 4.0
Some of our popular extensions include the followings:
woocommerce eway payment gateway
Personalize Mobile Case Design for WooCommerce
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Check http://www.codeinterest.com/ for more Plugins. == Screenshots == 1. Admin - Add Booking 2. Admin - Add New Room 3. Admin - Booking Calendar 4. Admin - Manage Booking 5. Admin Rooms 6. Frontend - Booking Calendar 7. Frontend - Rooms == Changelog == = 1.1 = * This version added a new page. * Updated some css. so please update to get latest effect. = 1.0 = This is the initial version of the plugin. == Installation == 1) Copy/Upload 'gen_scbooking' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 2) Activate 'WP Quick Booking Manager' form wp plugin option in admin area 3) Plugin will appear in the menu bar of WP Dashboard 4) create rooms/resort/else for booking. 5) please save primary menu if no rooms gallery or booking calendar is showing. == FAQ == = 1.1 = First version of WP Quick Booking Manager . No errors known.